DIY all purpose cleaner recipe

DIY Natural All-Purpose Cleaner Recipe- Simple and budget friendly

I stumbled upon this DIY Natural All-Purpose Cleaner Recipe one rainy day when I had run out of my former all-purpose cleaner and wanted to make something with household ingredients I already had. Using only three simple ingredients, this is now my go-to all-purpose cleaner that I use on everything!

DIY all purpose cleaner ingredients

How to make This DIY Natural All-Purpose Cleaner

This DIY natural all-purpose cleaner recipe is so simple!

  1. Grab an empty spray bottle (preferably at least 16 oz)
  2. Mix the ingredients:
    • 2 cups distilled water
    • 4 Tbs pure castile soap
    • 20 drops of essential oil(s)
      • Tea tree oil is a natural cleaner, and tea tree, lavender, and lemon oils all have antibacterial properties.
  3. Give it a shake
  4. Clean away!

Printable Recipe

DIY Natural All-Purpose Cleaner Recipe

DIY all purpose cleaner recipe

This simple and natural DIY all-purpose cleaner recipe is so easy you will love it and mix it over and over. I found this recipe on a rainy day when I had run out of my cleaner and needed something quick. I wanted an all-purpose cleaner made with good ingredients. This recipe only had three ingredients, making it simple to keep on hand.

Mixing Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes


  • Equipment needed:
  • 1. 1 Empty Spray Bottle- I recommend at least 16 oz
  • 2. Measuring Cups and Spoons
  • Ingredients:
  • 1. 2 Cups Distilled water
  • 2. 4 Tbsp Castile Soap (I used Dr. Bronner's Lemon Scented one)
  • 3. 20 Drops essential oils- I recommend Lavender, Lemon, and Tee Trea Oil for their great smell and natural antibacterial properties.


  1. Grab your spray bottle and remove the lid
  2. Add in the three ingredients
  3. Give it a good shake
  4. Clean away!


This DIY natural all-purpose cleaner recipe is AMAZING! It is made with all-natural ingredients and toxin-free! I love it so much I had to share it. Using only castile soap, distilled water, and essential oils, it is a simple, 3-ingredient powerful all-purpose cleaner that can be used on any surface. Tea tree, lemon, and lavender all have antibacterial properties, augmenting the power of this natural cleaning spray. You will love it too!

Distilled Water for natural all-purpose cleaner

Using distilled water is better than regular water for a cleaning spray because it does not have added minerals, which allows for a clean surface with no residue!

Castile Soap For Cleaning Supply

Castile soap is made from vegetable oils, usually olive, coconut, palm, hemp, jojoba, and sometimes avocado or walnut oil.

The Power of essential oils

The beauty of essential oils is that there is no harm and many benefits! In making this DIY Natural All-Purpose Cleaner solution, I discovered that tea tree oil is a natural cleaner, so adding it to this spray augments that cleaning power. And tea tree, lemon, and lavender oils contain antibacterial properties, making them great additions to this cleaning spray for all of your household surfaces! I linked the Revive essential oils at the bottom of this post, as these are a great budget-friendly option that I use myself. But of course, you can probably find other options on Amazon and DoTerra is a tried and trusted brand.

Why is a natural cleaning solution better than most commercial cleaning sprays?

Most commercial cleaners, even ones that say “organic” or “natural,” will still contain the following toxins, taken from the Dr. Bronner website, that can be harmful to you or the planet:

  1. Phthalates:
    • These are found in numerous cleaning products to add “fragrance.”
    • Causes hormone imbalances and reproductive issues
  2. Triclosan:
    • An antibacterial and antifungal agent
    • Causes dermatitis and increased allergic reactions
  3. Perchloroethylene (PERC):
    • Usually found in heavy-duty carpet cleaners
    • It causes skin and eye irritation and damages the liver and respiratory system.
  4. Quarternary Ammonium Compounds (QUATS):
    • Antibacterial agents often found in disinfectant wipes
    • Disrupts important cellular pathways
  5. 2-Butoxyethanol:
    • Found in several multi-purpose cleaners
    • Harms the skin, eyes, kidneys, and blood (1)

Supply List:

  1. Dr. Bronner’s Lemon Castile Soap
  2. Distilled Water (1 Gal)
  3. Revive Tea Tree Essential Oil
  4. Revive Lemon Essential Oil
  5. Revive Lavender Essential Oil

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  1. How to Make Your Own All-Purpose Cleaner. Dr. Bronner’s. Published 2025. Accessed January 10, 2025.